Hello one and all! Welcome back to LIFE Nuggets! I am sitting in the LHW meeting hall blogging on my new MacBook. I hate to sound like a computer nerd, because I honestly do not know much about them, but I live this thing. The size, and feel of the computer is much better than most laptops that I have owned. It just feels like it is made better. I should have bought one sooner. It is funny how the simple things can fascinate me sometimes. When my wife called me this week to let me know that it had arrived at the house I was pumped. That was Tuesday and the fascination has not wore off.
Thinking about how much I like using this computer and remain fascinated by it's programs does remind me of something very important though. Right now it is a novelty. It is cool, but what about a year from now? Will it still have the same fascination for me? Will I still be having fun with it? Wil it still be an important tool for LHW?
Good questions, I would hope to say yes to all of them. Sadly, though we (and I cam be guilty also) live in an attention-span shortened world. We move quickly from one thing to the next, nothing lasts long, let alone can we say something is permanent. I am not saying that I think that change is bad. Just the opposite, I love progress, I just think that sometimes it comes so fast at us that the idea of something that is unchanging almost becomes an alien concept to us. We are not used to such an idea. If it is not the latest and greatest we get bored quickly. I will be twenty-nine in August, I am getting older and I guess my perspective are changing. Time goes so fast and things come so fast that the older I get the more reassuring it is to know that God is unchanging and what Jesus did on the cross for us is was a one time, once and for all thing. It is permanent, it does not need changed.
That relationship that we can have with God, the knowledge we can have of him, can be something that we do not get bored with. I think that sadly, sometimes, believers can lose that love and fascination that we must have with Christ as his followers. I took 2006 and spent he ear reading the Gospels, I cannot recommend the experience enough. I have decided to spend 2007 in the psalms exploring the depth of human emotion that can be found in scripture. One conclusion that I have come to is that no matter what age we live in, the constancy of God is something that we all need to experience. Our lives can be filled with turmoil and business. Knowing and experiencing the Christ who remains the same every day gives life enough mystery and joy to not just keep us going, but help us thrive. Try getting to know the one who never changes, Jesus will never get boring.