Jesus Quotes
It is interesting to note how Jesus is viewed by these various sources, people like Napoleon, Ghandi, Florence Nightingale, and a host of others sharing what they thought about Jesus. The impact of his life can be felt across a wide spectrum of people and cultures. Have you ever stopped and wondered why there seems to be a disconnect between Christ and his church? Ghandi is even quoted as saying that he would be a Christian but for the followers of Jesus.
I think that we have lost the idea of what being a real Jesus follower is about. It is not that I think that there aren't any followers of Jesus right now, or that we as believers are all just a bunch of losers, I just think that we forget what the basic idea of being a follower or a disciple consists of.
The basic premise of being a disciple is to strive to be just like the person that you are following. I think that this is where we miss the point. We have to return to the place where the primary focus of individual believers and churches at large is to produce people who are diligent in their striving to live like Jesus. I believe that when this is the mindset of believers and churches then everything changes. When our actions are as convincing as we believe our words are then we are a little farther down the path of connecting with what Jesus understood. A life well lived is just as important as the words that are spoken.
So how does your life look? Does it look like the one that Jesus lived? Are you working on that? Perhaps that is a good place to start. I am working on that and I trust that you are doing the same.